Scottish Court to review bid to stop 'illegal' Brexit deal
Scotland's highest civil court is set to consider a legal bid to stop the UK government from ทีเด็ดการแทงบอล passing its proposed EU withdrawal agreement.

Anti-Brexit campaigners believe it contravenes legislation preventing Northern Ireland การแทงบอล คู่คี่ forming part of a separate customs territory.

Campaigner Jo Maugham QC confirmed the petition was lodged at the Court of Session in แทงบอลชุด Edinburgh on Thursday.

MPs are due to debate the agreement แทงบอลโบนัส 100% at a special Commons sitting on Saturday.

Mr Maugham wants an interdict effectively suspending the deal.

He is also demanding a court order so if MPs vote on the deal, the full, final text is put before them.

Lord Pentland is expected hear the case on Friday morning and the court could sit again in the evening for an appeal.

New Brexit deal agreed, says Boris Johnson

The move followed the earlier announcement by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker that the two sides had come to an agreement on a deal for Brexit, ahead of a crucial EU summit in Brussels.

Mr Johnson tweeted that the new withdrawal agreement "takes back control" and removes the "anti-democratic" Irish backstop, although the Tories' Northern Irish allies in the DUP have indicated they cannot support the deal.

Meanwhile the SNP's Ian Blackford has tabled an amendment rejecting the deal and calling for a three-month extension to allow for an early election.


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